[COMSOL_Users] Overlap integral caculation in Comsol
2007-12-28 11:10:43 UTC
Dear all,

I am trying to do some simulations in integrated optics with
comsol.I come across a problem recently. As you know, it is easy to
calculate the subdomain integration of electric fields
(Ex,Ey,Ez,Hx,Hy,Hz) of the same eigen mode with comsol in GUI
interface. However, how to obtain the subdomian integral of two
electric fields of two different eigen modes? (for example, Ex1(eigen
mode 1)*Hy2(eigen mode 2)
It may be hard to realize in comsol GUI interface. How about comsol
script? And how to extract each elctric (or magnetic) field element in
every diretion from the fem.sol.u?

Thank you very much in advance!

2008-01-02 10:36:59 UTC
You can do it in the GUI. Use the "with" operator.
Niklas Rom
Post by xinyangyang_2006
Dear all,
I am trying to do some simulations in integrated optics with
comsol.I come across a problem recently. As you know, it is easy to
calculate the subdomain integration of electric fields
(Ex,Ey,Ez,Hx,Hy,Hz) of the same eigen mode with comsol in GUI
interface. However, how to obtain the subdomian integral of two
electric fields of two different eigen modes? (for example, Ex1(eigen
mode 1)*Hy2(eigen mode 2)
It may be hard to realize in comsol GUI interface. How about comsol
script? And how to extract each elctric (or magnetic) field element in
every diretion from the fem.sol.u?
Thank you very much in advance!
2008-01-03 13:54:51 UTC
Thank you for your reply! However, would you please give me more
details? The expression in the integral is the multiplication of the
electric fields of two different eigen modes(i.e., with different
eigen values).

Thank you very much!

Post by niklas_rom
You can do it in the GUI. Use the "with" operator.
Niklas Rom
Post by xinyangyang_2006
Dear all,
I am trying to do some simulations in integrated optics with
comsol.I come across a problem recently. As you know, it is easy to
calculate the subdomain integration of electric fields
(Ex,Ey,Ez,Hx,Hy,Hz) of the same eigen mode with comsol in GUI
interface. However, how to obtain the subdomian integral of two
electric fields of two different eigen modes? (for example, Ex1
Post by niklas_rom
Post by xinyangyang_2006
mode 1)*Hy2(eigen mode 2)
It may be hard to realize in comsol GUI interface. How about comsol
script? And how to extract each elctric (or magnetic) field
element in
Post by niklas_rom
Post by xinyangyang_2006
every diretion from the fem.sol.u?
Thank you very much in advance!